
This web-site will explore internationally accepted Technical Analysis techniques and in conjunction with the “price action” displayed on charts to assist towards determining, strong and weak stocks?

Everything displayed in this web-site is for general information only.

This web-site gives no advice – in any shape or form.

This web-site does not encourage the trading or investment of shares – this could be an inappropriate investment option for some people’s personal circumstances.

The Trading or Investing in shares, or investing in Share Market instruments, can result in financial loss.

Never Trade or Invest using funds that you cannot afford to lose.

This website offers no financial service, or any other commercial service.


You should also note the Disclaimer document used by the Australian Technical Analysis Association (ATAA)

Australian Technical Analysts Association

The views or opinions expressed by the presenters in this gathering do not represent the views or opinions of the ATAA.

The ATAA is not providing any general advice or personal advice regarding any potential investment in any financial products within the meaning of section 766B of the Corporations Act.

No consideration has been made of any specific person’s investment objectives, financial situation or needs. The presentations made at this gathering should not be considered as a recommendation in relation to an investment in any entity or that an investment in any entity is a suitable investment for any specific person.

You should make your own enquiries and evaluations you consider appropriate to determine the suitability of any investment (including regarding your investment objectives, financial situation, and particular needs) and should seek all necessary financial, legal, tax and investment advice.

The presentations made at this gathering do not constitute an offer or invitation to purchase any financial products and should not be relied upon in connection with any contract or commitment.

The ATAA, its directors and employees do not accept any liability for the results of any actions taken or not taken on the basis of information in these presentations, or for any negligent misstatements, errors or omissions.


Whilst this website is not a “gathering” as such, please accept the context of the foregoing will apply equally to any information or expressed opinions displayed in this website.